Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"And There are Many that Now Stand"

The title of my blog tells you that I will only post things that are cool enough to be called "tight." I got the title from an amazing story about some folks that fled from the Tower of Babel and built some barges to cross a huge ocean. But the cool thing was that God told them how to travel and how to have light in their barges, and get air. If you want to read it click HERE.

Thought this picture would help add to the big picture.
I read that there are 100 billion billion stars in the universe. That's 10 to the 2oth power.
And yes, the picture up there is the Burning Bush... bam.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Tom I learned somthing very cool about this story. The brother of Jared used stones to light his boat, where did he get the idea to have th Lord light stones for this purpose. Maybe from the book of Genesis Chapter 6 verse 16. Noah is commanded "A awindow shalt thou make to the ark," the Hebrew translation is Tsohar which many rabbis belive to was a precious stone to shown in the ark. It was likely that The brother of Jared was familir with the stories of Moses and ark and maybe said used the same idea of a "window" to light his boat. You may have already heard that but I wanted to pass it along.